Happiness is a state of mind or an attitude. Attitude is a commitment to act and feel in a certain way, which is why we need to look at happiness as an attitude.
That is why we always say, “be happy” and never “have happy.” It’s in being that happiness is made possible, not in having it or owning it. Happiness cannot be owned or bought – which is why it can be unattainable for those who don’t change their attitude.
If we want to be happy in life and don’t know how to be, we should look at the traits of happy people. After all, happiness is embodied by the person, it is not in what they own or what they have.
Sometimes we can tell that a person is happy because of the way they carry themselves. How they handle setbacks and challenges, which are abundant in life, is done positively. So what sets genuinely happy people apart from those who are still trying to figure out what it means to be happy? It’s their traits or habits. So let’s look at the traits that are common among genuinely happy people. Continue reading
One of the hardest things to do when something is bothering you is to put on a happy face and smile. It seems kind of crazy to even think about doing something like smiling or pretending to be happy when you are far from feeling that way.
However, by smiling and acting happy, you do feel better.
Have you ever heard of the saying, “Fake it until you make it”? This can relate to how you feel too. If you feel sad, fake your happiness until you are happy. Acting like you are happy and putting a smile on your face can help you feel less unhappy, or at least help overcome some everyday frustrations.