
Life always becomes more meaningful and happier when good things happen. Unfortunately, there are also challenging times when it does not feel as good. If you practice gratitude and make it a habit, it can lead to more positive thinking and optimism. There are benefits if you do! Here is why:

Makes You a Happier Person

Gratitude and optimism allow you to enjoy your life better. When you see and appreciate the little things that happen to you, it makes you feel good. You feel loved and cared for by the people around you. You attract kindness and positivity, which also drive you to be kind and good to others.

Allows You to Make Sense of Your Struggles

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There is a very wise saying, ‘When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.’ This is a simple explanation of what gratitude and forgiveness can teach people.

In life, we experience hardships and betrayal, which lead to all manner of negative emotions, such as grief, anger, and resentment. While they are all valid and not to be ignored, gratitude and forgiveness can change the course of life for you.

Gratitude and forgiveness are interpersonal character strengths associated with pro-social behavior and positive psychological effects. They share the same common component of empathy and lead to positive memory biases and better relationships and appraisals of life. Continue reading