
When life is good and everything seems to be going according to plan, it is easy to feel grateful for everything in life, but when times are tough it is harder to feel the same way. However, as it turns out if you are consciously grateful in times of crisis you can turn things around faster and cope better. You can gain a new perspective on things in your life.

Here are a few ways gratitude can help you navigate through difficult times:

Gratitude Enhances Happiness

If you are experiencing problems in your life, it is hard to feel happy. Negative emotions can be overwhelming. However, gratitude can be a good way to cope and maximize your happiness in several ways. At the very least it will help ease some of your unhappiness. Continue reading

How can you feel grateful after losing a loved one? This sounds so insensitive and unrealistic. However, gratitude can actually help you cope with grief and help you through the process of healing more effectively.

Being grateful does not mean you are replacing your feelings of grief. You can still be grieving while having a grateful outlook and appreciating the time you have spent with the person.

Gratitude can also give you a sense of relief that you were there for them and with them during their life. If they have passed away and no longer feel pain or suffering, you can feel grateful knowing they are now at peace.

Gratitude Can Help You Heal

Focus on the things you can be grateful for, including all the experiences and memories you had with the person. Your memories can fill the gaps between your grief and healing. Continue reading