Getting In The Flow

Getting into a state of flow where work becomes effortlessly and you get more done than you ever thought possible is a wonderful feeling. It’s something we should all strive to achieve more often – ideally on demand.

Yet, this particular mental state isn’t all that easy to get into. And it gets even harder when you lack self-confidence and conviction in whatever it is you’re setting out to do. Let me explain.

By far the biggest enemy of getting into the flow state is indecision. Getting into the flow requires you to sit down and focus on this one project while ignoring anything and everything else. That requires a good bit of confidence and willpower.

Indecision on the other hand will have you stopping and second guess yourself before you even get started. Your first goal in an attempt to spend more working hours in the flow state then should be to get over said indecision. Continue reading

Getting to a place where the work just flows effortlessly and you’re being productive, creative, while having a great time is a wonderful feeling. Being pulled out of it by a phone call, a spam email, or a Facebook notification about your best friend’s picture of a cat on the other hand isn’t such a good feeling.

Getting into the flow is either a happy accident, or something that took a lot of work. Once you get into the flow state, your next goal is to stay in there as long as possible and get things done. And the biggest enemy of staying in the flow is distractions.

Your goal then before you attempt to sit down and get to work in a state of flow, is to cut out as many distractions as you can. That means closing your office door, or finding a quiet place to work elsewhere. You should also take your phone off the hook and set your cell phone to silent. Don’t just set it to vibrate. That little vibration can be just as much of a distraction as your phone ringer is. Continue reading