Finding Meaning

Finding a purpose in life means finding a calling or a passion. Something that you excel at, that you love doing and that fills you with pride and satisfaction. This means knowing precisely who and what you are and you can use it to guide yourself and inform countless decisions going forward.

The only problem is that discovering this calling can be very difficult. How do you go about discovering who you are or developing your calling when you don’t have any obvious passion or talent?

There is plenty of advice out there to help you stumble upon this answer. But sometimes it’s not about what we do, so much as what we don’t do.

Here are some of the things that might be holding you back from your true purpose – and what you can do to fix those: Continue reading

Having a goal or a purpose can make everything easier. When you know what it is you want to achieve and when you know what it is you want to accomplish, life just gets that much more simple.

The problem is that many of us don’t have a passion or a calling. Many of us can’t say in one word what it is that we want to be or become.

And when you don’t have a goal, that means that you don’t have a destination. And when there’s no destination, you can’t possibly take the best and smartest route to reach that point.

Consider a friend of mine. When we were at University, he decided in the second year that he wanted to become a pilot. At that point, everything fell into place for him as he knew precisely what he had to do. Continue reading