Finding Meaning

Cast your mind back to the last time you accomplished something that you were truly proud of.

Maybe you completed a very difficult challenge in a computer game, maybe you finished an intense and brutal workout. Maybe you wrote the next chapter in your novel.

Whatever the case, chances are that this was followed immediately by a huge dump of endorphins that made you feel pretty epic.

Accomplishing any task feels great.

But here’s the thing: most of us lack challenge in our lives and that means we lack the opportunity to accomplish anything.

And, without accomplishment, we just kind of… drift. Continue reading

What do you do when you’ve done everything?

What do you do when you’ve achieved your goals? When you’ve had an impact on the world, earned your millions and bought your right to relax and do whatever you want?

You’d think this would be the perfect situation to find yourself in and yet it can leave us feeling empty and directionless. It’s no surprise that many people suddenly appear to become much older as soon as they retire.

Well, if you look to examples in our culture of people who have seemingly achieved it all, there appears to be one common answer: help others.

Whether you’re Bono or you’re Bill Gates, turning yourself to philanthropic activities appears to be the common option. Even Arnie dedicates his later years to public service. Continue reading