Energy Healing

Polarity therapy, or polarity balancing, is an energy therapy developed by Dr. Randolph Stone in 1947. He spent many years of study on Ayurvedic medicine. He found that a major cause of all pain and illness is due to the imbalance of our life energy or chi. When this energy is restricted or blocked, it cannot flow freely throughout the entire body. This is why disease or pain manifests. If there is an uninterrupted flow of life energy, good health is maintained.

Why it is Called Polarity Therapy or Polarity Balancing

It is named polarity therapy because it relates to a law of nature, which is the attracting and uniting of opposites, by balancing at a middle point. Applying this reasoning to a person’s body, we have an internal energy system that has positive, negative, and neutral poles where our life energy flows between. Continue reading

Reiki healing is an energy healing technique that originated in Japan. The word “reiki” comes from a Japanese phrase that means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” Dr. Mikao Usui created the most popular form of Reiki practice back in the 1920s. It has since been performed worldwide. However, Reiki healing has been around for about 2,500 years.

The principle behind Reiki is very similar to other alternative therapies such as acupuncture and acupressure. In Reiki, it is believed that energy that stagnates in the body can cause illnesses. The goal of Reiki healing is to distribute and improve the flow of energy in the body to prevent energy blocks that can cause damage over time.

A Reiki session involves the practitioner gently moving their hands just above the client’s specific body parts, such as head, limbs, and torso, to remove energy blocks and transfer positive energy throughout the body. The client is fully clothed during a Reiki session, and they can either be seated comfortably on a chair or lying down on a table. Continue reading