Dealing with Change

We all want to be in control of our lives. However, despite every effort and good intention, there are some situations in life that we lose control over and cannot fix or change the outcome. These are the times when you can be at the mercy of your emotions. Trying to resist events you cannot prevent or change often makes things worse.

When faced with situations beyond your control, it is essential to recognize that certain events occur for a purpose, even if it is not immediately evident. Accepting circumstances as they are enables you to deal more effectively with situations beyond your control.

Why is Acceptance Necessary?

When we experience unexpected events that bring negatively perceived change, our common reaction is to question why. Continue reading

When people experience changes in their life, they can be either predictable or unpredictable changes. Yet, both can be emotionally hard to deal with, especially if they are significant life changes. They can force you to transition from your accustomed daily routine to a new one, which can make you anxious.

Sudden changes can make you distraught and highly stressed. Inevitably, you may even struggle to adapt to the change when your situation doesn’t measure up to your expectations of how your life should be.

Major Life Changes Can Make People Struggle

Major life changes can be challenging and disruptive. A chapter in your life may close and another one open. You may experience a raft of emotions, including fear, anxiety, anger, and uncertainty, in making difficult adjustments that you feel are unfamiliar or out of your control. Continue reading