Breaking the Rules

5 Risks of Breaking the RulesYou’ve probably been punished for breaking a rule in the past. It may have been a rule your parents made to keep you safe and you learned a lesson from breaking it.

There are risks to every rule you choose to break and you may be the type who loves to break them. Adrenaline rushes from rule breaking become addictive to some people.

If you don’t agree with certain rules of society and plan to break them – either in business or your personal life, consider these five risks involved:

1 – The risk of alienating people you need or want in your life. Think carefully about breaking a rule that can alienate you from the very people who could benefit you and whom you love. For example, if you go against your parents’ wishes, you may cause them angst. Weigh the benefits and then act accordingly. Continue reading

Many times, breaking a rule can boost your self-esteem and make you a stronger person. Society’s rules were put in place for a reason, but some of those reasons may not be valid anymore and if you don’t break them, you could stagnate in the mire they create.

Brilliant ideas may never reach the light of day if a person won’t break a rule to make it happen. When your values and the best interests of your company and loved ones are at stake, breaking a rule may give you the boost you need to make things happen.

Past rules that you’ve had to follow may be the reason you have low self-esteem and feel incompetent in everything you do. For example, if you were taught to never ask for help, you may have experienced failure in many things you tried. Continue reading