Boost Your Mood Naturally

If your day starts to turn sour, your mood can go from being happy to downright miserable very quickly. Once our mood is affected, everything is affected, and our energy for anything takes a nose-dive. It’s times like this when it would be nice to just go and curl up in bed and sleep all the negative vibes away.

However, that’s not always possible, so why not try using essential oils! Oils have been a favorite mood booster for many people. An increasing number of people are using aromatherapy and essential oils to uplift their moods, combat stress, depression, and anxiety. Simply because, it’s effective!

Here’s a list of the top essential oils to help you boost your mood:

Grapefruit Essential Oil

Grapefruit is a citrus-scented oil that is used in aromatherapy. The oil is extracted from the grapefruit peel. Here is how this essential oil helps moods. Continue reading

Have you ever noticed that when you feel happy, you tend to listen to more upbeat songs? They might make you feel loved or lovable, for example. Alternatively, there may be days when you listen to a sad melody, and because of the mood you are in, you break down and cry. Music affects your moods, which is why you can boost your mood with the right music.

“People tend to prefer sad music when they are experiencing a deep interpersonal loss, like the end of a relationship.” – Journal of Consumer Research

The authors of this journal suggested that sad music becomes an alternative for an emphatic friend, someone that truly understands how you are feeling.

There have been many different studies on how music can change our mood and perceptions. One of the studies showed that regularly listening to upbeat music can improve a person’s mood and boost their happiness within two weeks. Continue reading