Being Grateful

There is plenty of science that shows gratitude and being thankful for the things you have as being linked to less stress and anxiety. Mental and emotional stress can lead to unneeded worry, and physical health problems.

So, all you need to do is learn to recognize the situations in your life that you should be grateful for, and you can be healthier both mentally and physically. Practice gratitude in the following 7 ways and you will find more health and well-being in your life.

1 – Write a Thank You Letter

There is probably someone in your life right now that you need to thank. Take time to send them a handwritten letter of thanks. Don’t email them or text them. The time that you take to express your feelings by writing them down means more lasting rewards than using electronic media. Continue reading

When was the last time you sat down and thought about what you have to be grateful for? Surprisingly it may have been awhile, but you are not alone. Gratefulness is often something that we take for granted, which is exactly why not many people pay attention to it.

Let’s change that today by sitting down for a few minutes and thinking about what we have to be grateful for. Here’s some ideas to get your juices flowing.

Health – are you in good shape, or are you dealing with a health issue?
Money – how are you finance wise, in good shape, or is this an area that requires improvement?
Family – do you still have all your loved ones around you?
Job – do you have a stable income? Continue reading