Anger & Frustration

For most people, dealing with their reactions to how they feel can appear to be less work than dealing with the causative issue or issues. They find it easier to correct the way they display their emotions to the outer world than to spend time determining what might be causing the feelings they are not comfortable with.

This is especially so with hidden anger. Many people have been raised to perceive expressed anger as being socially inappropriate or unacceptable behavior. However, a great many have also not been taught, or taught themselves, how to resolve feelings of anger. Their only solution is to not express their anger. This can have detrimental outcomes on their physical and emotional well-being.

Let’s face it, nobody really wants to think there is something wrong and often we chalk it up to just being a bad day. Burying feelings can have a great influence on how our interactions go with others. Continue reading

Everyone experiences anger from time to time. There’s really no getting around it. Even the happiest of people will find themselves triggered every now and then. It’s human nature. Not everything is pleasing and not everything promotes joy.

It’s during those times we need to reach a little deeper than the anger and frustration itself and discover the cause. We need to know the triggers to get better control of our reactions. Imagine a life where anger didn’t turn into an entire blood-boiling, explosive experience. A life where frustration didn’t get the best of us and we were able to talk ourselves down from the ledge.

Let’s take a look at some common triggers for anger and frustration, as well as some excellent ways to lessen their effects on our day-to-day life. Continue reading