Build Confidence with CompetenceConfidence and competence are crucial to ultimate success no matter what your endeavor is. The more competence you have in a given career, sport or personal goal, the more confident you will become that you can complete the task giving it all you’ve got – mentally and physically.

Competence means that you have unwavering belief in yourself to meet and complete any challenge. Your competence comes from the understanding, knowledge and willingness to perform whatever is needed to become successful in a chosen field.

Confidence is more of a state of mind that you have the ability to go forward with a goal or task. With competence added to the mix, you will be able to present an image to others that you’re strong and have the qualities needed to undertake a task.

The two traits, confidence and competence, are powerful components in your life and with them, you can achieve beyond your wildest dreams. Those who are confident in their abilities feel competent to seek more challenges, push themselves to new heights, even though they have already succeeded.

Most people who are confident and competent enter each challenge and set and perform goals with much enthusiasm and determination to succeed. They don’t dwell on failures and mistakes, but turn them into learning experiences which spur them on to bigger and better things. Challenges become opportunities and obstacles become challenges.

Confidence is something that is difficult to fake. It must be gained from the learning process which makes you confident in your abilities – and that is competence. Competence is also derived from seeking knowledge and putting into action certain goals, organization and preparation that will lead you toward completing a goal or competition.

It’s important to set goals that, step-by-step, lead you to a competence you feel and a confidence you exude. Be sure you learn how to set goals and follow the steps needed to get there. The more goals you set and the better you become at the tasks, the more competent you’ll feel to go on to bigger and better things.

When you develop confidence that comes from competence that was learned and practiced, you will become the person who instills trust in others. Confidence communicates with others by the role model you create for yourself. When others see that image, they are either put-off, intimidated or encouraged by what they experience. You communicate the image you have derived from the confidence you’ve created and that ability can help you soar to success.