Have you watched sci-fi movies where technological advances simply blow your mind? It is as though anything is possible, including bionic people! If only those technologies were true. Well, that is what some biohacking technologies aim for, and there are tech implants that already exist.

These real-life technologies can modify the body and extend physical limitations or abilities. Biohacking implants are devices that are surgically implanted into the human body to enhance biological functions.

These implants can be used to monitor and track various bodily functions, such as heart rate, blood sugar levels, and brain activity. They can also be used to enhance cognitive abilities, such as memory and learning.

The idea is that when you provide these inputs to the body, you can expect better outputs, such as reduced stress, better productivity, and superior physical performance. These implants are typically made from biocompatible materials, such as titanium or silicone, and can be surgically implanted into the human body.

Other biohacking implants can secure medical data, allow you to interact with other objects, automatically transmit medical information to your health care provider (particularly in emergencies), and even control artificial limbs or body parts with your mind. That is mind-blowing too!

Here are some of the biohacking techniques used and how they work:

Biohacking for Your Vision

Augmented Vision

Augmented vision or bionic eyes are now used to treat hereditary and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), reversing blindness.

This technology uses a camera mounted on glasses and sends inputs to electrodes attached to the retina. Another bionic lens product is being tested in clinical trials for restoring clear vision. It aims to do away with glasses, contact lenses, or laser eye surgery to achieve 20/20 vision.

Smart Contact Lenses

How about recording a video with your eyes? Impossible? Not quite. Sony and Samsung have patented smart contact lens technology for that. Magic Leap (an AR company) is also working on a smart contact lens that can overlay computer-generated images onto real-world locations.

More than just for fun, smart contact lenses can be used to detect glucose in tears, for example. This can help diabetics know when their blood sugar levels are too low.

Biohacking Implant for Storing Your Personal Information

One of the most popular types of biohacking implants is the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chip. These chips can be implanted under the skin and used to store personal information, such as medical records and contact information.

The chip can also be used to unlock doors and access other digital devices, such as smartphones and laptops. NFC chips are already being used in some companies as a way to replace employee ID cards.

Biohacking Your Vitals

Biohacking implants can also be used to monitor and track various bodily functions. For example, a subcutaneous glucose sensor can be implanted under the skin to monitor blood sugar levels in real time.

This can be particularly useful for individuals with diabetes, who need to monitor their blood sugar levels regularly.

Another implant is called Biostamp. This is like a temporary tattoo on the skin that can monitor different vitals. It can monitor temperature, hydration, and even strains. It transmits data to a smartphone and can tell you when you need to drink more water or wear sunscreen.

Biostamp is a thin mesh that stretches and moves with the skin. It can stay on for up to two weeks, then fall off as the body naturally exfoliates the skin.

Biohacking Your Senses

Another type of biohacking implant is the subdermal magnet. This implant is typically placed in the fingertip and allows you to sense magnetic fields. While the sense is not as strong as in some animals, it does allow for a new type of sensory experience.

A Word of Caution on Biohacking Implants

While biohacking implant technologies look enticing in extending our natural human limitations, many of them are still far from being perfect and practical to use. It is also important to note that you should not do them yourself! Implants can cause infections, especially if done by non-surgery experts.

The body can detect them as foreign objects and reject them. While biohacking implants offer exciting new possibilities for human enhancement, they also come with significant risks. The surgical implantation of devices into the human body carries risks of infection and other complications.

Additionally, there are concerns about the privacy and security of personal information stored on these implants. Despite these risks, biohacking body implants represent a rapidly evolving field that has the potential to transform the way we interact with technology and our bodies.

As this field continues to develop, it will be important to carefully consider the ethical and social implications of these technologies and to ensure that they are developed and used in a safe and responsible manner.

In Closing

Many biohacking methods are quite beneficial in helping you achieve better health and overall well-being. From taking supplements to using cold therapy techniques, you can build healthier habits, you can even retrain your brain!

Therefore, you must always remember that your quest to be healthy must be safe. Especially if you are looking into do-it-yourself biohacks. Choose biohacking methods that are proven safe and healthy!