Healthy eating isn’t only for your body’s fitness – eating the right foods may lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and heart disease. It may also be a factor in early onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

When you combine certain foods with a healthy and vital lifestyle and brain exercises which can boost memory-saving chemicals, you’re taking steps to live a long life and live it on your own terms.

Here are some foods which can make a difference in your brain health and they’re great for your body too:


Rich in powerful vitamin C and the powerhouse brain-booster of vitamin E, avocado is a food associated with reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Sunflower Seeds

Another food high in vitamin E, sunflower and other seeds can supply 30% of your recommended vitamin E intake in only one ounce.


Heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids (including DHA) are found in tuna, mackerel and salmon. These vitamins are necessary for the brain’s neurons are functioning normally.

Leafy, Dark Green Vegetables

Vitamin E and folic acid are found in the food sources of spinach, kale, broccoli and other greens. Eating these healthy foods can lower an amino acid called homocysteine which is found in the blood and may cause death of brain cells.

Red Wine

Moderate amounts of red wine may prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and can greatly improve the bad cholesterol which can lead to heart disease.


Recent research involving the impact eating berries have on health indicate that acai, blueberries and strawberries may halt the onset of cognitive problems of the memory.

Oil-based Salad Dressing

These dressings tend to be high in vitamin E and serves as a powerful antioxidant to protect nerve and neuron cells. In many memory-related diseases, neurons begin to deteriorate and eventually cause cognitive problems.

Whole Grains

Fiber loaded whole grains should be part of a nutritious diet plan to lower your risk of cognitive impairment and the eventual onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

While these foods are important for the continued health of your brain and in preserving your memory, you should combine a good diet with exercise and a healthy lifestyle, free of bad habits and doing everything you can to preserve your brain’s health.

Your brain needs the protection and stimulation of good food and exercise the same as the body needs them to stay fit. Pay attention to the foods you eat and you’ll reap the benefits of living a long life with a healthy memory in tow.