Acupuncture and acupressure may sound similar, but they are different. Acupuncture involves the use of needles, inserted by an acupuncturist, whereas, acupressure does not involve using any needles. However, they are similar in that they use the same points on the body. When these points are stimulated it releases the flow of energy.

This energy is called Qi in Chinese tradition. There is a network of meridians where energy needs to flow harmoniously to keep you healthy by allowing the body to perform its functions.


Acupressure is a natural therapy that uses the practitioner’s hands, palms, and fingers to apply pressure using varying rhythms and techniques to the acupoints. This massage removes the blockages and congestion of chi along the body’s meridians, which can cause different health problems.

Acupressure massage makes the energy flow smoothly by targeting the local points or the actual parts where the patient experiences discomfort or pain, and the trigger points, which are connected to the actual points where the pain is felt.

Acupressure is a holistic approach to managing various symptoms of illnesses. These include stress management, cancer-related nausea, headache, motion sickness, morning sickness in pregnant women, menstrual cramps, and muscle tension and pain, among others.

Various studies have shown the potential of acupressure in bringing an array of health benefits. Here are some of the many benefits that acupressure can provide:

Acupressure Helps Ease Pain

Pain is one of the most common symptoms in almost every illness there is. Pain is the body’s feedback mechanism to alert you that there is a problem. Acupressure therapy helps in easing both minor and chronic pain. From headache to dysmenorrhea to back pain to arthritis, acupressure has been found to be an effective natural treatment.

When the therapy is done, the pressure that is applied to the affected area or trigger point sends signals to the brain, and the body responds by releasing the blockages of energy. It also promotes proper blood circulation in the body, which is further effective in relieving pain.

Acupressure Makes You Calm

Acupressure helps your mind relax and your body to reduce the “fight or flight” response. When your mind is relaxed, your body releases hormones that make you feel calm.

Acupressure Tones Muscles On Your Face

Acupressure has also been practiced in the cosmetics industry. It releases tension in the facial muscles and tones them to help keep the wrinkles and fine lines away. The pressure applied to the key Qi points on the face helps in promoting proper blood circulation and producing collagen, which makes your skin more supple and elastic.

Acupressure Helps Ease Cancer-Related Fatigue and Nausea

Cancer is a painful experience to deal with, physically, mentally, and emotionally. As cancer patients go through a range of emotional and physical pain while undergoing treatments, complementary alternative therapies have proven beneficial to them. Acupressure helps ease cancer-related fatigue and nausea.

Acupressure Can Improve Your Sex Life

If you are experiencing a flagging libido, your Qi is probably not flowing smoothly in your body. In acupressure, it is believed that your libido is affected by the flow of energy, so when there’s a blockage, it can affect your sex life.

Acupressure helps remove the congestion, enabling the energy to keep your heart and kidneys healthy. Consequently, when your systems are working the way they should, you will experience an improved sex life.

Acupressure has been proven an effective way to treat various symptoms and illnesses, from minor headaches to stress to cancer-related fatigue. It is an alternative therapy that promotes natural healing, and it is a great complement to various conventional medical treatments.

Do not rely on acupressure as a sole replacement treatment for your conditions. There are also limitations when it comes to using acupressure as a natural treatment, such as when you are pregnant or have open wounds, bruises, and swollen muscles. Always err on the safe side, and when in doubt, consult your health care provider.