1 – Use Cash

When you buy something, pay for it with cash. This includes groceries, gas, anything and everything. We often overspend without realizing it when we use credit or even debit cards. If you are using cash, you know exactly how much you can spend so you won’t end up with surprising overdraft fees.

2 – Unload Unused Stuff

Everyone sells their stuff online nowadays, but it’s still worth mentioning. If you have collectibles, unique or high ticket items sitting around gathering dust, unload it and put that cash in your emergency fund or savings account.

Don’t have anything nice enough to sell online? Have a garage sale. Or just donate it all if the thought of having a garage sale makes you cringe. The tax write-off for donations is an added bonus for gifting stuff you don’t use.

3 – Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions

Most people have at least one subscription that they never use. It might be a magazine subscription, weight loss program, a podcast, TV streaming app or a gym membership. It’s one of those things you always mean to get around to but never do, and it’s costing you every month. It feels great to plug your money holes and put that little bit each month into your savings account!

4 – Start a Garden

Unlike adding more work to your life, gardening is a relaxing and healthy way to spend time alone or with your family. The garden doesn’t have to be huge to make a dent in your grocery bill, and it can be a solace after a long day at work. Gardening is also a great thing to get your kids involved in so they understand where their food really comes from – not wrapped in plastic at the local store.

5 – Make Your Own Meals

Besides making your money go farther, you will also avoid a lot of additives and chemicals that add to medical costs long-term. You will find that once you aren’t rushing around all the time, you won’t feel the need to pick up take-out food or run through a drive-thru to save time. It’s a win-win-win.

6 – Pay Off Debt

Almost everyone has debt, and most people have more than they are comfortable with. Excluding your mortgage, find out how much you really owe in total and then make a plan to pay it all off. You will save untold amounts of money in interest (and late fees), plus you will lighten your emotional burden too.

Money stress is one of the most insidious stressors in our modern world. Simplifying your life means buying less stuff and getting out from under all the clutter—physical, mental and emotional.