Yay! It's offically fall!

It’s been too long since I promised myself I would write here more often. Oh, well. I’ve definitely been spending too much time checking and deleting emails. What a time suck. I’ve been updating  my websites – especially my Halloween and All Things Autumn sites. And I’m working on a new site that is very timely and important as it is full of information on Ebola and the things we can do to prepare ourselves for a potentially life changing pandemic. The site is called Prepare and Survive Ebola.com and I’m very happy with the way it is coming together. Check it out and tell me what you think.

It is a little bit heavy on the fear factor, but hey, I am on the verge of wigging out about the whole thing. Best to keep ourselves occupied with living life while preparing for the worst case scenario on the side. You never know. I just pray that it will not become a full blown plague here and elsewhere in the rest of the world that hasn’t already been affected. And remember, prayer is the most powerful tool we have. Knowledge is the next most powerful tool that we have to arm ourselves against the things that could harm us.

The sites for my hosting and website business got put on the proverbial back burner. I’ve definitely got to get a grip on time management as I am still working 50+ hours a week at a J-O-B.  There is so much to do, and so little…well, you know. When I get stressed, I become somewhat immobilized on doing what would be the best things for me at the time. I’m very sensitive to what’s going on in the world, and boy, is there a lot going on that is disasterous. O.K., enough excuses for not getting done all of the things I want to for now. No more beating myself up about anything!  And, no more, hopefully, losing sleep over the current state of our great nation here ( the U.S.) and the rest of the world. It has become very obvious that our very government here does not give a rat’s ass about her very own people who make up this great nation, much less about those in the rest of the world who are not of the one percent of the one percent.

Thank you for letting me vent a little bit. Granted, this was a very mild expression of my distaste of and disappointment in our ruling elite here. They are apparently becoming scared that the majority of the people in the world are waking up and seeing the truth of what is really taking place. Beware, ya’ll. Be aware!