If you have applied for a job in recent years, you may have answered a DiSC profile assessment during the hiring process. You may have had an idea as to why companies do personality tests, but perhaps you have wondered how it can be of benefit to them.

The answer is simple. It’s because they want a good mix of people with different skills and personalities but who can work well together. DiSC profiling has helped them achieve this goal.

DiSC – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness

DiSC profiling is a method that organizations use to assess your personality and whether you will be a good fit for the role and the team.


  • The Dominance style prioritizes getting immediate results, taking action, and pursuing challenges. They are strong-willed, direct, and decisive. They are focused on the bottom line.
  • The Influence personality style is motivated by social recognition. They are optimistic and motivating, so they are good at influencing others. They don’t like disapproval and being ignored.
  • The Conscientiousness personality style is afraid of social criticism and being wrong. They are typically cautious, so they are good at ensuring quality and accuracy.
  • The Steadiness style describes people who are patient, collaborative, humble, and calm. They are team players and good listeners. They prefer to work in the background and support others.

Here are the benefits of using DiSC profiling in the workplace.

DiSC Helps in Bringing the Right People

Some jobs might not suit your personality, and some people might feel out of place in a team with extreme differences. With the help of DiSC assessments, organizations can predict how you might behave after you join the team.

It also helps them create a better onboarding process to make sure that you fit into the team and how they can train you effectively.

DiSC Improves Team Building

DiSC helps organizations understand how different personalities interact with each other, making it a good team-building tool. They can plan activities that will help you interact, collaborate, and communicate as a team more effectively and productively.

It also helps leaders create a diverse team that combines skills and preferences strategically to create a more effective and comprehensive team.

DiSC Aids in Personal Development

When you understand your personality type, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses. At work, the company can tap into your strengths and make them work for you. They can also help you overcome your weaknesses and improve your personal growth and development.

DiSC has also been an effective tool that managers use for coaching. The more they understand your personality, the better strategies they can create to make sure that there is productive interaction and behaviors in the workplace.

DiSC Improves Team Communication

DiSC assessments can help individuals and organizations understand their communication preferences. It gives them insights into how people respond to conflict, how they approach problem-solving and make decisions, and what keeps them motivated.

Depending on your personality, there are different ways to best communicate and interact with you. For example, you may be the type who prefers to be honest and direct, or maybe you are someone who is good at listening. It may be more effective to communicate with you in person, or maybe you prefer a detailed email with all the information and analytics at your fingertips.

DiSC Helps Leaders to Motivate Their Team

Your personality type is based on your motivations and fears in life. In the workplace, leaders can use DiSC assessments to understand what motivates and stresses their team members. They can think of ways to manage those issues more effectively.

If your leader uses the profiling correctly, they will better understand how they can bring out the best in you, extend your strengths, and build a better relationship with you.

In Summary

Having a good mix of personalities in a workplace ensures that everyone has a role to play where they can put their strengths forward. The team becomes more effective because they can share tasks based on each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Some people will naturally fit into a leadership role while others will be better suited to support them and be given tasks to perform.

All the above benefits can help both individuals and organizations establish actionable strategies in team-building and build effective and meaningful connections. Ultimately, they can help the company perform at its best and succeed. That results in improved work output and possible promotions for the right people.