It’s almost time for spring planting here in Georgia. I love flower gardening, however, I haven’t planted much during the past few years. “Gardening is my therapy,” I used to say. So maybe it’s time for some therapy!
Since it was a rough winter on me health and workwise, I didn’t get my gardening site or All Things Spring site done. As a matter of fact, I felt so bad that I developed a kind of aversion to all things internet. I guess I got a much needed mental vacation since I haven’t had one in, oh, four years. As a matter of fact, I haven’t had a day off – and I mean any days off – during the past six or seven years. (I’ve lost count it’s been so long.) But, hey, it’s nobody’s fault but my own!
On the bright side, by staying off the internet I saved a lot of money, however, I have spent the past couple of weeks deleting tens of thousands of emails. (I’m not exaggerating.) I have found out that there a many IMers who are not ethical in their emailing practices. Some don’t have the required ‘unsubscribe’ link within their emails, and I swear that on some that I do unsubscribe from, they just turn around and put me on even more lists!
Fortunately, I have had the wherewithal work on some of my websites – updating and posting new content, and even redesigning some of them. I absolutely love designing and building websites. It is a much welcomed creative outlet for me and it provides therapeutic time for me. I’m even in the process of building my Website Mini site so I can sell some of the sites I’ve accumulated.
Some of you know that for the past year or so I have been building my Exceptional Aging Membership Community website. Since I didn’t want to ruin that for me, I just stayed away from it all winter. I had hoped to launch it this spring. Now I’m ready to design, write copy, and build the sales page. One thing I have done is prepare and upload videos to view on the site and in the monthly membership areas. I also had plans to write a short eBook that gives a little of my history and experience with aging healthy, but that also got put on the back burner.
Something has now definitely shifted as I am writing and planning and am very excited to get on with these projects. One thing I have realized through all of this is that I do not want to be an internet marketer. I am an entrepreneur who provides valuable information and top quality products to those that I may best serve with what I have to offer.