Life ImprovementNo matter how good things are going, you probably wouldn’t mind doing a bit better. It’s natural for us to want more. In fact, a commitment to improving one’s self usually comes with a host of benefits like improved health, sharper mind and personal satisfaction.

Life improvement will mean different things to different people, but the following tips will help you all commit to lifelong improvement.

1  – Get Enough Sleep

Many studies show that mental clarity, stress, motivation, and willpower are all negatively affected by lack of sleep. Those seem like pretty handy traits if you want to improve your life. Figure out how much sleep works for you, and try to hit that as many nights as possible.

2 – Get Comfortable With the Uncomfortable

If you want to keep improving, make sure you are okay with a little discomfort. Discomfort can come in many forms; fear, struggle, change, etc… and these are all important parts of the journey to self-improvement.

3 – Don’t Take Things So Personally

A simple way to improve your life instantly is to stop taking everything so personal. The universe isn’t out to get you. Bad things don’t only happen to you. Things happen and they happen to all of us, so don’t take it personally if things don’t always go well.

4 – Start Keeping a Journal

It doesn’t matter if you choose a journaling app, or an actual notebook, keeping a journal will help you improve. You can use journaling to express gratitude. You can track your success. You can simply keep notes about things you want to remember, or things that inspire you. Whatever you use it for, journaling will help improve your life in some way.

5 – Find a Physical Activity That You Love

Committing to physical exercise is one of the best things you can do to improve your life. When you find a physical activity you love, you will be way more likely to stick with the exercise. Not only that, but doing something you love fills you with joy too, and that matters.

6 – Write Down Your Goals

Ask a group of people if they have goals and every one of them will likely say yes. Ask that same group who has them written down, and the answer could easily be none of them. Simply writing your goals down is a powerful first step that so many of us rarely take.

7 – Be Grateful and Let People Know About It

Although you want to keep improving, it’s powerful to take some time to appreciate where you are at as well. It helps keep you motivated and mindful of what matters. You should also spread gratitude where you can. If someone helped you out, send them a thank-you card telling them know how much it was appreciated.

8 – Keep Learning

If you commit to lifelong learning are you improving your life by default? You could argue it. Continually learning new things and adding new skills is a natural fit for anyone who wants to keep improving.

9 – Find Your Pack

This single step is one of the best things you can do to improve your life. If you replace the toxic people in your life with loving and caring people, you are going to be much happier. Plus, there is value in surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals.


Actionable Steps





Think about your social circle. Is there anyone who is holding you back? Anyone you really like but don’t spend enough time with?


Choose a skill to hone. Figure out a skill that you’d like to improve and find a class (local or online) that can help you improve it.



Start a one-line-a-day journal. Jot down one line about your day, for 30 days. This simple activity will help you build towards consistent journaling.