How the Fear of Change Challenges Your Comfort ZoneIt’s amazing how everything around us changes, and there are things changing all the time, yet even though we are used to it, it can still make us feel uncomfortable. It’s not because change is bad, it’s just that because we haven’t had to deal with it before, it is unknown, and we all resist the unknown!

We are being pushed away from what feels familiar and safe. We are being pushed out of our cozy little comfort zones, and most of us don’t like doing that. Our comfort zones have been built by ourselves over the years, so they are there to protect us and make us feel safe.

Why Change Feels So Uncomfortable

The discomfort we feel when facing changes comes from how we’re wired. Our brains crave stability. When things stay the same, we can relax. We don’t have to be on high alert. If change comes, look out! We start to panic and wonder what is going to happen now, and how are we going to handle it?

Change disrupts our sense of control, and can trigger fear. Suddenly, we’re imagining all the ways things could go wrong. That uncertainty triggers the same survival instincts that our ancestors had, and they passed that instinct on. It’s just our ‘modern’ brain doesn’t know the difference, unless we teach it.

Why We Resist Change

We resist change because it challenges us to think differently. It’s easier to cling to what we know, even if it’s not ideal, than to step into the unknown where failure feels like a possibility.

However, resisting change doesn’t stop it from happening. All the foot-stomping and hand-thumping does nothing. Life keeps moving, and when we refuse to adapt, we risk staying stuck in patterns that no longer work anyway.

How Resisting Change Affects Personal Growth

Growth, whether it be personal or not, comes from movement, not from standing still. Think about a time when you resisted change. Maybe you turned down an opportunity because it felt too risky, or you avoided a tough conversation because it was too uncomfortable to raise.

At the time, it might have felt like you were protecting yourself, but if you look back now, what do you see? Did you make the right decision, or if you took the risk and made changes would it have been the better option?

Turning Your Fear of Change Into Opportunities

The key here is another change you have to make! It’s a change to your mindset or your perspective. Instead of viewing change as a threat, what if you started seeing changes as a chance to grow?

Every big success story begins with someone taking a chance. They were not afraid to take that step into the unknown, even though they would have had the same fears as you!

When you push against the discomfort of change, you will no doubt uncover opportunities that you might never have considered. Think about it for a moment. How many times have you learned a valuable lesson or discovered a new passion, all because you were given no choice?

If you can’t think of any as an adult, you can probably think of some as a child. Your parents would have pushed you into doing something you didn’t want to do, yet now, you may be very glad they did.

Change forces you to think differently and push past limitations that you place on yourself. It’s in these moments of uncertainty that breakthroughs really happen! Of course there are risks. Life is full of them. However, the greatest rewards come from stepping out of your comfort zone and into the unknown.

You’re not as afraid of change now, are you? All you have to do is take one step forward, even if it’s just exploring new possibilities or reimagining what the future could look like, if and when you do! With each step, you build more confidence, and you learn to accept change as a good thing, not bad.

You will also teach your brain not to fear the unknown, and in turn, it will learn that you can handle whatever comes your way! You will realize that you will not only survive, but thrive!