People who have achieved a high level of success and who reach their goals are often said to possess something called “mental toughness”. Mentally tough people are not necessarily born with any inherent advantage. Instead, it is the habits they practice every day that allows them to reach this state.
Habits such as goal-setting, delayed gratification, positive self-talk, stress management, and continuous learning are just a few qualities mentally tough individuals have in common.
Good habits are formed by repetition. Making the following behaviors your habits will build the mental toughness you need to be the best you can be. By engaging in these activities on a regular basis, anyone can start to lead a more fulfilling life by embracing the mental toughness that lies within all of us.
Set Goals
Mentally tough individuals don’t coast through life without any direction. Instead, they take a proactive approach and set goals that they can strive toward. These people understand that striving to reach their personal version of success – whatever that may be – requires taking the initiative to chart a path and make tangible plans for themselves.
Setting goals provides them with the focus and motivation needed to stay on track and remain undeterred when unexpected challenges arise. Mentally tough people realize that setting achievable goals doesn’t just benefit them in the short term, it provides long-term gains as well.
This is because having concrete objectives gives them something to look forward to, as well as a source of pride when those objectives are achieved.
It’s no secret that exercise has numerous benefits, both physically and mentally. Mentally tough people recognize this and include regular exercise into their routine to make sure they’re functioning at their best. Exercise helps flush out stress hormones and release endorphins, leading to improved focus, increased energy levels, and improved mood – all important things when it comes to being mentally tough.
Not only can exercise help with mental well-being, but it also serves multiple other physical and mental benefits such as stronger bones and muscles and better sleep quality. It is for these reasons that mentally tough people have made the positive habit of exercising a part of their everyday lives.
Don’t Wait for an Apology to Forgive
Mentally tough people are known for their capacity to cope with hardship and difficult situations. One of their defining traits is that they don’t wait to be apologized to in order to forgive another person. They have the ability to recognize and release feelings of resentment and hurt, enabling them to move forward, on their own.
While it may be particularly challenging to forgive a person who hasn’t expressed regret or remorse, mentally tough people understand that keeping on the path of anger and resentment only increases emotional suffering and blocks progress in life.
Being unforgiving ultimately affects ourselves more than it does others, so mentally tough people never allow it or its associated negative thought processes to hinder their emotional well-being or relationships with others.
Embrace Failure
No one can succeed all the time! Mentally tough people recognize that failure is a part of life and can be used as an opportunity for growth. Instead of hiding from mistakes, mentally tough people embrace their failures as stepping stones to success. They take ownership of the situation, learn from their experiences, accept feedback calmly, and look for ways to use it for improvement going forward.
Mentally tough individuals have an internal locus of control which means they attribute success to personal actions rather than luck or outside circumstances.
By taking responsibility, these types of people often find themselves in a better position to succeed than they were previously. Having a positive outlook on failure helps prevent individuals from getting stuck in discouraging patterns and instead jump-starts their process of personal growth.