We all have varying degrees of intuition. Maybe you are aware of yours, maybe not. If you are aware, do you know what type yours is?

Did you know that there are different types of intuition? Well, according to one method of classification, there are four types of intuition, which are also called ‘clairs.’

You may be strong in one or two of them, but experts say you can also be strong in all four. It helps to understand which type is dominant in you, so you can be more in touch with your intuition and know when to trust it for better results.

Are you excited to know your type of intuition? Let’s get started!

The Four Clairs



You fall under the aspects of clairaudience when it seems like someone is talking in your head. It’s that calm and even voice that may tell you one word, one number, or a short message.

Sometimes, it may sound like someone is calling your name or a voice you think you actually heard, but the voice is coming from within you. Clairaudience intuition can sound like ‘quickly turn right here’ or ‘don’t go over there it’s dangerous.’ It’s any ‘voice’ that you hear that you feel you can’t ignore.


Most of us would have heard of clairvoyants and their amazing abilities at seeing visionary things. This sense is clairvoyance, which is where you can see an image or a scene in your mind. They may be future events. It’s usually a metaphor or representation of the event rather than a literal picture or the actual scene visible to the naked eye.

Clairvoyant abilities are also thought to be connected to the third eye. Simple examples of seeing things may be like talking to a friend over the phone and you ask how they are.

You can see an image in your head of them crying or curled up in bed. Or you can see them happy and relaxed. The image is clear in your mind. People with this type of intuition, or clairvoyants, tend to daydream a lot, are usually creative, and have more vivid dreams.


Clairsentience is the ability to sense what other people feel and is considered the most rational and the most common of the four types of intuition. Clairsentients can sense physical, emotional, and energetic feelings.

Clairsentience gives you literal gut feelings, those butterflies in the stomach, a sinking pit feeling, or a fuzzy feeling. Clairsentients tend to understand their surroundings and read people around them.

If someone is grieving, they can feel their emotions as if they were their own. If someone is happy, they feel happy too. Most empaths are clairsentients, but clairsentience is deeper than empathy alone.


Claircognizance means ‘clear knowing.’ Claircognizance is when thoughts just suddenly appear in your head. In an instant, you just know what to do, even without proof to back you up. Most people with this type of intuition are very analytical and logic rules over fantasy.

You just know it’s right or wrong, or that something is about to happen. You are certain, even when it doesn’t make sense or is beyond the rational and logical information you have access to.

In claircognizance, it’s important to note that ideas come out of nowhere, and as quickly as they appear, they can also vanish fast. Claircognizants should write down their thoughts as soon as they cross their mind.

Do You Want To Develop Your Intuition?

You can strengthen your intuition and be more in tune with it if you want to. Here are some tips to help you do that.

  • Listen to the sounds around you.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Bring a notebook with you to write down your thoughts.
  • Keep a journal to record the intuitive messages you receive.
  • Start following your gut feeling and see the outcomes.
  • Do daily body scans and note any sensations you have.
  • Give yourself permission to dream, such as by creating a vision board.
  • Act promptly and don’t overthink.

There are different types of intuition based on your senses, which include hearing, feeling, seeing, and knowing. You may hear a clear and calm voice inside your head, see an image or scene, feel the emotions and energies around you, or know clearly what to do without a doubt.

Most people have one or two dominant types of intuition, while others have all of them at high levels. You can develop your intuition so that you can trust it better. Meditating and being mindful of your surroundings are two of the most effective ways to hone your intuition. Make conscious efforts to listen to the messages they are telling you, and over time, you’ll understand them better and enjoy the benefits of this gift.