Self exploration & Self development is the journey of a lifetime. It is an adventure that, once embarked, lasts a lifetime (and then some?). I know that I have to be ever mindful of how I think and how I live in this world. I AM – and WE ARE perfection in the making.
Thank goodness that we do not have to strive to be perfect in any way. We are all already perfect no matter our place and role in life right now. If we were, we would have no reason to be here. This is the ultimate school of life and we are given the opportunity to realize who we really are and how to unconditionally love and care for all life on this planet.
All we need to do – and all we can do here is do the best we can in living our lives without maliciously harming any other living beings here – especially our own selves. I know that I can be very opinionated, judgmental, and down right angry at times. Not to mention that being a smartass comes easy for me. (I guess that’s better than being a dumbass – but still…) I have to be ever mindful of what I think and how I present myself in daily life. Being a better person takes a lot of work – for me anyway.
As the above quote by Wayne Dyer states, it is always our choice as to how we live our lives. Dr. Dyer has been one of my teachers who has assisted me on my journey throughout the years, however, he has now gone to the “other side.”
Rest in Peace, Dr. Dyer. We miss you!