
Walking can be an excellent exercise for those with arthritis if they observe some simple but essential safety precautions. The precautions will depend on which type of arthritis a person suffers from.

Osteoarthritis, or OA, is the result of normal wear and tear on the body that comes from aging and sometimes injury.

The main symptoms are joint pain, and sometimes popping and cracking, a condition known as crepitus, as the ligaments and tendons stretch.

Movement can be restricted due to stiffness and pain, but the truth is that joint health is a case of ” use it or lose it” with OA. Continue reading

Buying the Right Walking ShoesOne of the most essential pieces of equipment for any exercise will usually be the right kind of shoe. It needs to support your efforts and help protect your feet and joints.

Here are a few top tips on how to buy the right walking shoe that will give you a good fit:

Get Your Feet Measured Properly

Many people shop for shoes online, but a trip to your local shoe store can help you get correct sizing. Go toward the end of the day and measure both feet. Then shop for the larger foot. Continue reading