Time Management

One of the hardest parts of goal setting is actually following through with it. How many times have you failed to lose that 20 extra pounds or lost sight of training for the 5K that’s six months away?

Don’t fret! You’re certainly not the first person and you won’t be the last. It all really boils down to effective strategies for time management and making a realistic plan for success.

Whatever the goal, you’ve got to put together a plan of action or else you’re just running blind hoping success bangs on your door. While there are some incredibly lucky people in the world, that is not how the vast majority of us make it to the finish line. Let’s look at some foolproof ways to set a goal, make a plan and finish it! Continue reading

There are busy people who accomplish a ton each day and then there are busy people who run in circles getting very little done. What separates the two? How do the successful busy people manage to be so productive?

There are 5 noteworthy areas of time management skills where, when applied, busy people can stay ahead of the game and get things done! If you’re struggling with productivity and focus, the following strategies could make a huge impact on your daily life.

Employ To-Do Lists & Schedules

Busy people don’t just write to-do lists, they also schedule their tasks in a calendar. Using a calendar gives a visual representation of time and where it’s going. How many tasks per day? It depends. A general rule of thumb is to underestimate how many tasks can be done in a day and overestimate how much time each task will take. Continue reading