Taking Action

People often say that success comes with a price. Sometimes, the price is having to deal with other people making you feel guilty. If we take action and control our journey, we can achieve the success we desire.

However, this tends to attract negative attention and comments from others. These negative people may have insecurities that may hinder you from taking action, and if you are not careful, they will stop you from taking action.

For some of us, these negative comments can make us feel guilty about doing our best, so we ‘dumb it down’ for their benefit, or worse still do nothing in case of feeling worse than we already do. Accommodating their guilt-tripping can derail you from achieving the success you desire for yourself. Continue reading

Living a life without regret is something we would all love. However, the reality is we are but mere mortals, who must make mistakes. Mistakes and regrets are two things that will always be a part of our lives. Sadly, our regrets from past decisions and actions can hinder us from moving forward.

Regret can impact different aspects of our lives. For example, it can affect our relationships with others, making it challenging to build meaningful connections. It can affect our work, making it more challenging to take action and achieve our goals.

Lastly, lingering regrets that we may have over the years can jeopardize our health, as stress builds up and wreaks havoc on our physical and mental health.

We all know that to stop regretting past actions is not as easy as a walk in the park. Oh if it was that simple. However, there are ways to accept them and finally move on in your life. Here’s how: Continue reading