Survival Threats

There have been catastrophic events for many years in history. Record breaking hurricanes have occurred. Massive flooding. Wildfires. Mudslides. We hear about these events so much that it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we’ve faced all of the dangers we’re going to face from natural events.

We think we know all there is to know about dangerous events. But there is a danger that lurks, just waiting for the time when it will explode and wreak havoc on Earth – and it’s caused by the sun in the form of a solar flare.

You might think that a solar flare is no big deal. After all, the sun is so far away from Earth that a solar flare isn’t even on your radar of things to prepare for. It should be. A solar flare is magnetic energy that suddenly bursts free. Continue reading

New Publisher’s note: This is obviously on old post – BUT, mark my word, it’s now going to be always somethin’! In my humble (but knowledgeable) opinion, the most recent scamdemic was created just for an excuse to deliver jabs for the purpose of depopulation.

Publisher’s note:  Some health and other professionals are saying that the Zika virus was a manufactured health threat and it’s origin was falsely attributed to being transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. Also stated was that the true cause of the birth of babies being born with encephalitis and small heads could be the vaccinations that pregnant women were given along with the prolific use of pesticides and/or herbicides in that country.

In my opinion, it very well could be the combination of the virus and the effects that it has on people with challenged and suppressed immune systems that vaccinations & pesticides/herbicides are known to have. 

It would be comforting to believe that the Zika (insert virus of choice) virus is something that’s elsewhere – where we don’t have to deal with. Unfortunately, it’s right in our backyard now, so you have to be ready to survive this new reality. Continue reading