Realizing Our Dreams

To achieve your goal and make your dreams come true, you need to commit. Make your commitment big. Make it to yourself and to others. Write it down and say it out loud.

Writing your goal down makes it real. Writing your action plan for reaching the goal helps make it stick.

Once it’s written, display it to yourself. Tape it to your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, or your bedroom door. Write it on a post-it and stick it on your computer. Make it the background to your smart phone.

The constant reminder reinforces your dedication to your goal. It works on your subconscious, helping you to find new ideas. Continue reading

You want to know why some people never achieve their goals? Or why, once they’ve reached their goal, they aren’t really happy there? It’s sometimes because they’ve chosen the wrong goal.

Sometimes people put a lot of time and effort into reaching someone else’s goal. They break their neck to get into medical school because of family pressure.

Or, they choose a corporate career because their spouse wants financial security, when what they want is to be a social worker.

If you are going to take on the work of achieving an important goal, you should choose a goal that expresses your deepest passion. You should choose a goal that makes you joyous. Continue reading