Did you know that Thomas Edison’s teachers told him that he was too stupid to learn anything? Imagine if he had believed them. As an inventor, Edison failed many, many times while attempting to design the light bulb.
When asked by a reporter about his failings, Edison replied, ‘I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.’ Source: Famous Failures
Did you know the producer of Oprah Winfrey’s first job on television thought she was unfit for television? Imagine if she had listened to their opinion of her and quit! Witnessing her success today makes you feel like she could never have appeared unfit for television at all. Source
These two scenarios are among the hundreds of inspiring stories we can read, of how accomplished people today have triumphed over failure, and all because they didn’t worry about being told they weren’t perfect. Continue reading
Perfectionism is a mindset and a set of self-sabotaging behaviors that can cause a person to act contrary to their goals. Even though it seems like perfectionism is their pathway to success, it is truthfully a detour and can block their success.
There are certain characteristics that perfectionists possess that often make success more elusive than attainable:
Overcoming Perfectionistic Tendencies
Perfectionism can be a hindrance and an ultimate block to achieving success, all because of self-sabotaging behaviors. This is when you need to learn how to overcome your perfectionistic tendencies so it doesn’t harm you emotionally. Continue reading