Nixing Procrastination

Probably everyone has procrastinated at some point in their lives. Although not all people who procrastinate can be classified as procrastinators, procrastination becomes a real nuisance when you’d honestly rather be more motivated, but you’re feeling otherwise.

If taking action seems impossible despite knowing that deliberately delaying a task comes with a set of consequences, overcoming a procrastination habit will really be of benefit.

There is a sense of helplessness when procrastination ultimately becomes a habit. Finding the motivation to get back on track when you finally muster enough will to take action may be easier said than done. However, it helps to understand the nature of procrastination and why it usually happens. Continue reading

Do you often find yourself procrastinating, especially over certain tasks? Perhaps there are some you are happy to complete, whereas others you leave until the last minute. That’s pretty normal for most people, but if it becomes a problem, where you just keep pushing the same tasks to the back continually, you need to stop and just get them done.

Procrastination is a trap. When you try to find something else to do to delay the important tasks, you mostly end up wasting time. The time you could have spent getting things done. There are many reasons why you may procrastinate, but putting off stuff until the last minute is painful, in more ways than one.

So when you find yourself procrastinating, stop and take action! Here are some techniques that will help you do just that: Continue reading