Is anybody born a genius? You may be lucky enough to become one, but everyone goes through the same childhood and critical development stage. That’s why rather than thinking that you are limited to the intelligence, abilities, and skills that you currently have, you need to change your fixed mindset and shift to a growth mindset. What you have right now are not static givens. If you want to learn something new, you can do so, with enough hard work and effort!
Here are ways you can benefit from a growth mindset:
You Increase Your Self-Confidence
Depending on the degree of the fixed mindset that you have, you might feel confident about your current skills and intelligence in their current applications. However, when you encounter setbacks, they can easily crush your confidence and make you feel insufficient. You always want to be perfect, so when things don’t come your way, it undermines your self-confidence. Continue reading
How many times have you declined an opportunity because you believed you don’t have what it takes? You back out because you’re afraid you can’t do a great job. You’re scared to disappoint and not meet expectations.
What you need is probably not the skills or expertise to do well in that opportunity – it’s a self-trust mindset.
If your frame of mind is that you can’t do it, then yes, you are probably right. So shift your mindset, change how you act and respond to situations, and see the change in the results you get.
Here are some tips on how you can develop a self-trust mindset and improve your confidence: Continue reading