Mastering Memory

Studies are constantly appearing which have us worried about the habits we form in our daily lives. It may have to do with drinking too much, smoking, not getting enough sleep or too much stress. There’s always something that we should change to become healthier.

Those bad habits may also be instrumental in hindering your brain health – memory, in particular. Alzheimer’s disease is a constant concern among the aging baby boomer population and it’s now sixth in the cause of American deaths.

Although Alzheimer’s disease is mostly considered a disease of the elderly, bad habits that you develop early on can begin a domino effect which can harm your brain and make it easier to become affected by memory diseases.
Here are some habits which can greatly affect your memory and the health of your brain: Continue reading

There are certain medical conditions which may affect how your brain operates and how you recall information. Some medical conditions require that you take medications which also can impair your memory.

Some medical conditions that may affect long or short term memory are:

Vitamin Deficiencies

A good diet helps your brain to function properly, but you may still suffer vitamin or nutritional deficiencies. Vitamin B1 and B12 can impair your memory and so can a Vitamin D deficiency.

Lack of Sleep

Sleep deprivation may cause fatigue which can result in loss of concentration and memory problems. It’s important to your health and brain function to get both a good quantity and quality of sleep each night. Continue reading