
Integrity is the single most important characteristic you can acquire that will improve all aspects of your life.

Integrity is critical for a successful and fulfilled future. Integrity involves being completely honest and forthright in all aspects of your life.

According to LifeHack, “Integrity isn’t the sort of asset you would claim on your resume, but it is a highly sought-after quality. A potential employer may never ask, “Are you a person with sound moral principles?” But most employers and hiring managers are looking to see that you are.

Rather than a specific skill, integrity is a bundle of traits, including honesty and an ability to adhere to moral and ethical principles. When taken together, these traits show that you are a qualified individual that’s worthy of being hired.” Continue reading

Integrity is defined as making decisions based on your values rather than on societal pressure or personal gains. Integrity has been consistently ranked by researchers and psychologists amongst the top most important character traits of a person.

While living with integrity isn’t always easy, here are a few ways to invite more integrity into your life:

Avoid Exaggeration and Hyperbole

The desire to be faster, bigger and better is easy to understand; we live in a competitive world, after all. To seem better, some of us might “fudge the numbers” a bit. We make ourselves out to be something that we aren’t.

While it can be tempting to exaggerate or overestimate our abilities, you should resist the urge. You can’t live a life of integrity if you base it on a lie. You should avoid even something as small as adding a few extra inches to our heights or exaggerating the truth if you wish to embrace integrity. Continue reading