
Many people feel they are living in a world made up of primarily stress and despair. Worry about bills, work, and other things related to adult life has robbed our ability to laugh. It is no wonder why many of us walk around in a depressed state as if the possibility of happiness does not exist.

There is no such thing as a day without stress, for most people; however, many people can go days without sharing a good belly laugh. It is a necessity to laugh once or twice a day, even if forced.

Even a forced smile can significantly lower stress levels. A forced smile tricks your brain into thinking something good has occurred simply by the action of smiling.

There are several benefits associated with lowering stress levels. Blood pressure, for one, immediately drops if you can reduce stress during a particularly stressful situation. During an argument, when you force a smile and diffuse the situation, it lower the chances of both heart attack and stroke. Continue reading