Health & Wellbeing

‘Laughter is the best medicine.’ This saying is one you have probably heard, and there is a good reason why it is said so often. Health experts have long been supporting the effects of laughter and its positivity on our health.

Whether it be loud belly-laughs while watching your favorite sitcom or comedian, or a silent chuckle after seeing a funny meme while scrolling your social media feed, laughter and smiles play a big role in our overall wellness.

Science has revealed several positive physical advantages of letting our simple chortle or belly-laugh rip. Apart from physical benefits, our mental health greatly improves too.

Here are just some of the ways laughing can improve our health: Continue reading

We spend most of our adult lives working. As a result, at one time or another, many of us experience burnout due to work-related stress. It takes a toll on our physical wellness and our mental health.

Several issues involving our careers can put a strain on our overall health, such as long hours at work, colleague competition, high target quotas, difficult clients, and financial woes. All these problems can weigh us down, affecting our overall well-being.

Benefits of Workplace Wellness

Over the years, more and more companies have adopted holistic wellness programs in their workplace, and for good reason. There are several benefits of prioritizing health and wellness in the workplace. Continue reading