
To boost your happiness you have to remove the undesirable traits that destroy your happiness! We all have unique personalities and emotional states. That means we also have different perspectives on what being happy means to us.

However, some people don’t feel they experience being truly happy and end up searching for true happiness their whole life. It may be because they have unhealthy habits that destroy their emotional well-being.

You have to let go of unhealthy habits, even those that you may not even be aware of, as they can rob you of true happiness and take away your joy in living.

Remove the Habits that Destroy Your Happiness

If you feel you are always looking to be happy, but not feeling or finding it, see if you exhibit any of these traits. If so, it’s time to remove them and make the necessary changes. Continue reading

Money can’t buy happiness, right? It’s an age-old saying to ease the worries about money. However, money and financial worries are still one of the leading stress triggers among adults today. In many households, there are no longer college savings, vacation savings, or any other savings accounts.

A great many people are living paycheck to paycheck more than ever before. Either there are no extra dollars left to put into an account or reckless spending prohibits the ability to save. No matter what the cause, knowing there is no safety net or nest egg has skyrocketed stress levels in many individuals.

Reasons Why Stress and Money Destroy Happiness

Unfortunately, money does seem to play an enormous role in our overall happiness and levels of stress. Here are just a few reasons why a lack of money causes a lot of stress and unhappiness. Continue reading