Emotional Care

To feel intensely and deeply is oftentimes perceived as a weakness. This world can sometimes be harsh as people are in a constant hustle to get things done. Being strong emotionally is typically associated with being thick-skinned and confident. The idea that emotional sensitivity is a characteristic of broken, weak people who should just suck it up couldn’t be further from the truth.

Too much of anything isn’t good; and applies to personality traits, like emotional sensitivity. Being too confident gives the illusion of arrogance. Likewise, being too emotionally sensitive elicits a tone of frailty. The two are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Polar opposites.

It’s important to find an emotional balance so we aren’t constantly jumping from one extreme to the other. Not only is that exhausting for the brain, it takes a toll on the body as well. Continue reading

Virtually everyone has baggage, right? The type of person we have developed and nurtured and grown to be, right now, in this moment, is a combination of both our past experiences and reactions to them.

Everything from the past, good and bad, has created a database of emotional responses in our brains. This catalogue of emotions is quarried every time we require an emotion; happy, sad, angry, guilt, shame, indifference, etc.

Relationships are supposed to be fantastic! We’ve found someone who appreciates our quirks, laughs at our lame jokes and loves us anyway. Problems sometimes arise in relationships though when emotional triggers are set off and they aren’t handled effectively, and respectfully. Continue reading