
Many people have allergies and some people simply have multiple sensitivities. Allergies can actually be life threatening, while sensitivities are usually just an irritant.

However, they can become full-blown life-threatening conditions if they’re not identified and treated.

The main treatment is to avoid the item in question. Health can improve greatly when one avoids any issues with allergies or multiple chemical sensitivities.

Allergies and sensitivities can cause dizziness, seizures, paranoia, eczema, headaches, and more. If you have any type of reaction going on that is bothering you, it may be a sensitivity issue. Continue reading

There are more types of detoxes than we can list, but these are some of the most healthful and popular.

Juice Detox

This is literally what it sounds like. You make homemade juices from plants like peaches, cucumbers, and apples. You can even add greens to your juices to make them even more healthful.

Water Detox

A water detox is exactly what it sounds like. You fast and drink nothing but water. This is a difficult detox to do but one that, under the right circumstances, can be very helpful to figure out what is causing problems. Continue reading