Dealing with Pressure

When you have an insurmountable amount of pressure in your life, it can feel as if you are carrying a large burden on your back that can really slow you down when it comes to achieving your goals.

Fortunately however, like most of the problems in life that we will come across, pressure is all in our minds.

As such, there are some things you can do to change your perception of the situation which will result in the release of pressure from your life.

1 – Don’t Strive to Be a Perfectionist

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The Secrets of Meditation & Pressure ReliefSometimes the pressure of everyday life just gets to be too much. It happens to everyone. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a way to get away from the pressures of life and relax for a few minutes whenever you want to?

That’s where meditation comes in. Meditation is the art of sitting quietly and being at peace with yourself. It can banish stress and pressure, and help you to unlock a healthier, happier life.

Meditation & Pressure Relief

In the 1970’s meditation hit the big time. Everyone was doing it, even the Beatles. That kicked off a lot of questioning by scientists as to whether or not this new American fad – which had been practiced as a high art in India for centuries – had any medical benefits. Continue reading