Daring to Dare

Being more daring doesn’t have to mean doing big huge things that scare you half to death. It doesn’t have to mean jumping out of a plane, buying questionable stocks, or auditioning for a reality TV show.

Daring is in each one of us, and it can and should start small! Begin by simply doing a few things each day (or each week) that you wouldn’t normally do. After all, isn’t that what being daring is?

Here are six tips you can use to live a more daring life in small ways. When you get used to small steps, you can then take larger ones.

1 – Take the Road Less Traveled

That’s right – go off in a direction you normally wouldn’t. Explore. You never know what you might find! Be okay with getting lost, and have confidence you can find your way back home again. You’ll find this an exhilarating exercise, and it’s a great way to appreciate what you have around you. Continue reading

We all know what risk is, right? Of course, we do. We’re familiar with risk because, in one form or another, we all face some type of risk every day. So, asking what risk is, seems to be kind of pointless.

Yet, the concept of risk, while simple on the surface, is deeper than it appears at first glance. In other words, there’s more to risk than meets the eye.

Let’s start with the standard definition of risk. In the dictionary, a risk is defined as a chance of loss or a peril. In addition, it is further defined as the person or thing that creates this chance of loss or peril.

This means that the very concept of risk contains two separate, yet intertwined ideas – the chance of a negative result, along with the action that made that chance a possibility. This is critical to the understanding of risk. Continue reading