
Try as we might there are often conflict situations that are difficult to settle. Sometimes, both conflicting sides are uncooperative, and it is almost impossible to see eye-to-eye. However, that doesn’t mean that you or the other person has to live with the conflict forever unless that is an option you choose!

If it’s not what you want, there are ways to negotiate that can lead to compromise, and eventually a resolution.

Be a Confident Negotiator

Negotiating is an important communication skill that can help you reach a resolution without anyone getting angry at each other. Just like any skill, negotiating takes time and practice. Some people are naturally good at negotiating, while others feel insecure when they have to face another person and put their point across. Continue reading

In a perfect world, everyone would all get along and not have any conflict issues. However, we all know this will never happen as it is simply not possible. We all have different opinions, beliefs, and personalities, and at some point, we will encounter someone who will disagree with us.

Most of us have been raised in an environment where disagreeing with another person is considered to be negative if not handled civilly. Therefore, we try to avoid conflict situations as much as possible.

Although conflicts are a part of life, being in a conflict situation is not a nice place to be. It can cause stress and anxiety, and also damage any relationship that has or may have been developed between both parties. Trying to reach an agreement is not always simple either. Given that we all have differences, agreeing is not always easily achieved. Continue reading