
Burnout is really all about lifestyle choices, particularly making bad choices. It becomes a downward spiral that starts when we realize we can’t take the time to care for our own bodies with the tender loving kindness that only comes with reflection and taking time to make healthy lifestyle choices.

When we make poor lifestyle choices, we contribute further to burnout because burnout leads to illness, which isn’t dealt with well, which leads to more burnout.

By changing our lifestyle choices in the beginning, we can reduce burnout and the never-ending cycle of stress, illness, and burnout. This means starting with setting comfortable priorities and avoiding those things that contribute to burnout. Continue reading

In our modern world, where stress is rampant and commonplace, many find themselves either at the brink of or suffering from burnout that has serious consequences of physical and emotional wellbeing.

Experts advise that out of control stress and burnout need to be handled as soon as possible because various chronic conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, depression, anxiety and insomnia are linked to it and burnout.

The body has many ways of experiencing burnout, and it manifests in several physical features, as discussed below.

Extreme Fatigue

Fatigue is present at all stages of burnout. At the beginning, you may feel worn out most of the time and lack energy for even the simple tasks. As burnout progresses, a physical sense of complete emptiness takes over. You end up feeling drained and unable to take on any tasks, even basic daily tasks such as food shopping or personal hygiene. Continue reading