Bullet Journaling

Bullet journaling is a great way to track what you’re doing throughout the day. It’s also a wonderful record keeper. You can look back and see how far you’ve come in any given week and month. If you’re considering giving bullet journaling a try, I hope these big benefits will have you grabbing a pen and notebook to get started.

It’s Easy and Customizable

You don’t need to go out and buy a big planning system or download a fancy app to your smartphone. Instead, all it takes is a notebook and a pen or pencil. Chances are you have an old notebook lying around. Grab it and give it a try. Setting up a basic bullet journal is simple. The entire process can be explained in a few minutes. Set up your key, index and monthly spread and you’re good to go. Continue reading

There are lots of different styles of bullet journaling. In fact, it’s a very personal and a way to personalize your journal, plans, and to keep track of your busy life. Use these styles as a starting point and feel free to mix and match to come up with a system that works for you.

A Daily Planner & Organizer

One of the most popular uses for the bullet journal is as a daily planner and a way to organize your busy life. It will keep track of your appointments, tasks and anything else that comes up.

It’s the ultimate daily planner that can be customized to work for you, your work and personal life, and keep track of just about anything and everything for you. Color coding or adding different sections makes it easy to keep track of different aspects of your life. Continue reading