Building Influence
You may think that by showing others that you are interested in them, that you are simply being kind. However, showing your interest in others is one of the most powerful methods used for influencing people. While it may seem simple, it’s a way to create meaningful connections that can deepen trust and strengthen your influence.
The person will feel good about you if you make them feel good, and people are naturally drawn to those who make them feel good. This is where influence begins. So if you want to be influential, your ability to connect with others is your most valuable asset!
Take the Time To Pay Attention
It’s not hard to see, or hear, how everyone is so busy. How often in a day would you hear someone say how busy they are, or how hectic their life is? Everyone appears to be so focused on themselves as if they’re the only ones in the world with a problem. They probably don’t get too many people to pay attention to their woes, because everyone else has them, too. Continue reading
Showing empathy is a powerful way to influence others positively. If you take the time to understand someone else’s feelings or situations, you’re showing them that they matter to you. This can make a huge difference in how they see and feel about you, and how they respond to you.
This is where the power of empathy and its impact on influencing those around you comes into play. You don’t have to fix their problems, and you don’t even have to agree with their point of view, you just have to acknowledge how they feel and respect that.
It’s when they feel this respect and know they have been understood, that they are more likely to open up to you and trust you. They will come to appreciate you, and want you in their life. This is all part of being able to influence others. A person of influence is someone who others feel comfortable with and want to be around. Continue reading