A Mindset for Health
We can probably all agree that the only time we go to see a doctor is as a reactive measure, however, that should not stop up from being proactive about our health in the meantime.
There are a number of aspects of our health that we have the power to control, and while you may think these are not within your control you have to consider exactly how they all feed into each other. A bit like the ear, nose and throat are connected… so is the entire body!
1 – Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep can dictate how your day proceeds. You awake with more energy, feeling less stressed. WebMD has provided a number of tips on how to improve your sleep pattern, and how it combats against stress and depression. Continue reading
How healthy would you say you are? In truth, most of us might be able to say that we’re healthy – but that we could also be a bit healthier.
While researchers are finding ways of treating cancer more effectively than ever before, as well as managing heart disease and diabetes, there are preventative measures we can all take that reduce our risk of developing such debilitating diseases in the first place.
However, how many of us are making the right changes in our lives that will minimize our risk?
If you’re wondering, whether or not you’re doing the right things, and whether perhaps you could be doing a bit more to improve your health, here are 5 questions to assess your current health: Continue reading