A Fresh Start

Are you ready for the changes that each New Year brings? Resistance to some of these changes could mean that you’ll miss out on much that could be good and meaningful in your life.

Apprehension about change is normal, but when the apprehension gets you caught in a cycle of resistance, you could suffer defeat on the success that could be yours.

Fear causes many to resist new beginnings. That is especially true if it’s change that occurs outside of your current comfort zone. If you’re making excuses about why you can’t change, you may feel the defeat before you even begin.

What you know now is familiar and comfortable – change means that you have to let go of that and face the unknown. Continue reading

Changing Your Thoughts to Gain SuccessChange your thoughts, change your future. No matter what your definition of success, changing negative thoughts to positive ones can help you succeed. If it’s financial freedom you want, you won’t achieve it by naysayer thoughts such as, “I’ll never amount to anything.”

A mental shift from negative thinking to positive thinking must include goals and plans for the future and a pushing away from anything and everything that could be an obstacle to your success.

If you want success in school, you’ve got to study hard and make good grades. Physical success means that you must adhere to a healthy diet and exercise regime. No matter what the success you strive for, there’s a price to pay. The trick is to have fun while getting there.

Wealthy people think differently than most people on the planet. Rather than thinking of how they’re going to survive, they think in terms of building prosperity. The world around them is filled with opportunities to acquire wealth and they’re constantly on the lookout for every breakthrough that comes their way. Continue reading