Being Influential Begins By Caring and Showing InterestYou may think that by showing others that you are interested in them, that you are simply being kind. However, showing your interest in others is one of the most powerful methods used for influencing people. While it may seem simple, it’s a way to create meaningful connections that can deepen trust and strengthen your influence.

The person will feel good about you if you make them feel good, and people are naturally drawn to those who make them feel good. This is where influence begins. So if you want to be influential, your ability to connect with others is your most valuable asset!

Take the Time To Pay Attention

It’s not hard to see, or hear, how everyone is so busy. How often in a day would you hear someone say how busy they are, or how hectic their life is? Everyone appears to be so focused on themselves as if they’re the only ones in the world with a problem. They probably don’t get too many people to pay attention to their woes, because everyone else has them, too.

This is why it is important that you do! You will stand out if you pay attention. Paying attention is not difficult to do, but in doing so, you are making them feel important and heard.

You are making them feel they are worth your time, and this kind of validation can build a bond faster than you might expect. People who feel truly heard and seen are more likely to trust you, and trust is a huge part of building influence.

Start By Asking Thoughtful Questions

One of the best ways to show interest is by asking thoughtful questions. If you only ask questions that can relate to anyone, it will only appear as everyday chit-chat.

However, if you have REALLY listened to them, you will know a specific question you can ask that will only relate to them and your current conversation. Make sure your question is one that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. If you ask open-ended questions they invite a deeper response, and the more people talk to you, the more they will like you.

Now, asking the right questions is just the start. How you listen to their answers makes all the difference. Many people listen just so they get a chance to give their own two cents worth, rather than really wanting to hear the answer to their question.

If you are someone who does this, just know that it shows! Attentive listening, though, is something else. It shows too! You’re showing you are not distracted, you are maintaining eye contact, and focusing entirely on them. Making simple gestures and pausing before you speak are all signs you are paying attention.

Make a Big Impact By Remembering Small Details

One of the easiest ways to make someone feel special is to remember the little things they tell you. It doesn’t matter what it is, if you can recall any little details in future conversations with them, you will be showing you truly cared about what they said. You paid attention!

For example, they may have told you about a special event coming up in their life, and when you next meet you ask them how it went. Do you think they will be pleasantly shocked that you remembered? Of course they would be! That small question you just asked will create a huge impact on them, scoring you lots of little brownie points.

Creating Deeper Connections

All of these actions I’ve just shared, the asking thoughtful questions, the listening attentively, and remembering the little details, all add up to one thing – a deeper connection. People might not remember every word you say, but they will always remember how you made them feel.

If you can take the time to show you care and are interested, your actions will naturally foster positive feelings towards you, and over time, they will only grow!

Influencing others starts by building connections that last. When you consistently show interest in others, they will naturally gravitate toward you. It’s a natural thing for us to do. If you have earned their respect, and people begin to like and trust you, they’re more likely to support your ideas, work with you, and want to be around you.

Therefore, showing genuine interest forms the foundation of being influential! Influence isn’t forced, it’s earned.