3 Reasons You Should Embrace Your Unique DifferencesThink about a few things that make you different from most people. Do you view them negatively? We often do. We see our differences as problems when they are beautiful gifts and opportunities. You might think that being much taller than everyone else is bad, but much shorter people look at you with admiration and envy.

That’s one reason you should fall in love with what makes you different from others. Here are three more benefits of being your unique self:

1 – You Don’t Waste Any Time Worrying about What Others Think

This is one of the most time-wasting behaviors. Everyone does it from time to time. We worry about what others are thinking. Am I dressed okay? Does my hair look right? Why is that person looking at me? Do they think my car/house/income/speech is lacking in some way?

Who really cares? The truth of the story is that most people aren’t noticing us. That might sound depressing, but it’s really powerful. The time we waste worrying about the opinions of others could be spent on more positive endeavors.

With billions of people roaming the planet, you’ll never be able to please everyone. It’s going to be tough to please even a few people, to be honest. So why even try? Time is fleeting. It’s promised to no one. We don’t know if we will enjoy another year, another month, or even another hour of life.

Because of this, don’t waste a single minute worrying about what others think.

The truth is that the important people in your life love what makes you different. The people that criticize your differences will never matter. Kick them to the curb and spend your time thinking about how amazing you are rather than if someone might approve of you.

2 – You Have More Opportunities and Experiences

The person who feels that his differences are a problem withdraws from society. He would rather spend time at home alone than interact with others.

That withdrawal means fewer opportunities in life. It’s such an amazing world out there. Sheltering yourself and hiding away from human interaction doesn’t reveal many of the opportunities and experiences the world has to offer you.

This is true not only in your career or financially speaking. You limit the number of healthy relationships you develop when you shy away from what makes you unique. You also might be doing the world a disservice. Some of the greatest achievements in human history were provided by people viewed as weird and different.

3 – More Confidence, Higher Self-Esteem, and Better Health

If you fret over what makes you different from “normal people,” you give your confidence a kick in the pants. Your self-esteem drops. This mental and emotional process leads to more physical stress developing in your body.

That’s a recipe for sickness, illness, and disease.

Science tells us that your confidence skyrockets when you accept what makes you different or unique. You learn to love the person you see in the mirror. This triggers a magical and automatic process that promotes more feelings of happiness, fulfillment, and less stress and anxiety.

Simply put, embracing your differences makes you healthier in mind, body, and emotions.

You were made different for a reason. And by the way, what you might see as different might not even appear on someone else’s radar. You’re seeing something that isn’t there. Start embracing who you are. Everybody else is already taken, so why not be you? The rewards for being your unique self are truly powerful and can help you live your best life.